ability: Synesthesia

Kelemahan: Ketika dipakai terlalu sering, mengakibatkan kelelahan
9. Ryner Lute (Legend of Legendary Heroes)

Ability: Alpha Stigma (複写眼 アルファ・スティグマ)

Ryner Lute berbakat dalam magic, perkelahian tangan kosong, seni membunuh, pengetahuan kuno, bahasa dan simbologi, dan pemakai Alpha Stigma.
Alpha Stigma adalah kemampuan yg memberi pemakainya kemampuan menganalisa berbagai bentuk magic. Ketika mengaktifkan kekuatan, pemakainya akan menampakkan pentagram berwarna kemerahan yang muncul di pupil mata. Di dunia dimana magic setiap negara berbeda dan dijaga kerahasiaannya, kemampuan ini berguna karena Ryner dapat mempelajari magic semua negara hanya dengan melihatnya sekali, bahkan sebelum magic itu selesai dilakukan.

Kelemahan: Pemilik Alpha Stigma biasanya mati muda. Ini karena mereka akan go 'berserk', lepas kendali, membunuh dan menghancurkan semua yg ada di dekatnya. Setelah masuk dalam keadaan ini, mereka tidak akan kembali normal. Ryner adalah satu-satunya perkecualian, dimana dia dapat kembali ke normal setelah berserk.

8. Ageha Yoshina (Psyren)
ability: Melchesse's Door

Ageha adalah anak SMA yang terlibat dalam permainan Psyren, dimana para peserta permainan secara bertahap mendapatkan kemampuan PSI. PSI adalah kemampuan untuk memanipulasi diri sendiri, lingkungan, atau orang lain dengan menggunakan potensi otak yang biasanya tidak dipakai. PSI dapat membuat penggunanya menjadi lebih kuat, menggerakkan benda, mengendalikan petir, menghipnotis orang lain, dll. Selain itu setiap orang mempunyai kemampuan khusus jika mereka melatih PSI ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi
Kemampuan khusus Yoshina Ageha adalah bola hitam besar yang bereaksi terhadap PSI yang dinamakan "Melchsee's Door", sebuah kemampuan untuk membuat bola terbuat dari konsentrasi energi murni. Kemampuan ini melacak energi PSI di sekitarnya dan menyerapnya. Bola ini juga menghancurkan benda fisik yang disentuh. Setelah menghisap cukup energi PSI, bola ini akan berpisah dan menyerang semua orang yang memakai PSI tanpa diskriminasi.

Kemampuan ini membebani otak penggunanya dan sulit dikendalikan, karena itu Yoshina Ageha memodifikasinya dengan bentuk lain seperti yang dijelaskan di bawah.
Melchsee's Lance: - Yoshina creates a condensed sphere and releases it, relying on the indiscriminate targeting of "Melchsee's Door" to track down the oppoents PSI energy. Because the sphere is small, it gains enormous speed but loses a lot of power, which also is less taxing on Yoshina's mind but is still powerful enough to go thought a human or Tavoo's body. He can move the ball in any direction, or stop it, as long as it is a part of his program. When the small black sphere is tracking PSI energy, it moves extremely quickly and leaves a trail of itself along its path that can be used to slice oppoents by turning the sphere. This trail makes the Burst energy resemble a lance, hence the name.

Melchsee's Disc: - By setting a program for Melchsee's Door to stay put in front of him and limiting its PSI tracking to 5 meters, Ageha creates two discs that absorb any PSI attacks that are directed toward him and can be used for close range offensive attacks and be used defensively too. Unfortunately, when the discs absorb enough PSI energy, it activates Melchsee's Door's basic feature which attacks all PSI energy indiscriminately

Melchsee's Vortex: - This can be used offensively in two ways but is mosty used defensively. Yoshina creates condensed spheres, each linked together with a line, allowing for greater control which forms a semi-sphere around him and absorbs all PSI attacks. When used offensively, can change at his oppoent with "Melchsee's Vortex" around him

Ring Release, Attack Mode: Splash - This is the first offensive use of "Melchsee's Vortex".In the attack mode, Yoshina breaks the chains linking the spheres and releases the spheres, causing them to splash around targeting PSI sources. This move is Similar to "Melchsee's Lance" but this move has a greater number of sphere's, making the attack harder to evade.


At the start of Ageha's battle with Miroku he lost control of his emotions while in Nova, Melchsee's Door's power broke out from his hatred and anger. This turned his Nova from a brilliant white colour to pitch black with his hair grew longer and spikier, his facial features are hidden but his eyes remain visible and he also has multiple black rings floating around his head like a halo with multiple Melchsee's Doors floating around him. Ageha still has some control in this from.
* Power Amplification - This form allows Melchsee's Door's full power to be released and at the same time be powered by Nova. In this form his speed, strength and techinques are powered to unhuman levels and gains a berserker like fighting style. When Ageha attacks hit in this form they make a shockwave out of Melchsee's energy, his body is so hard that he was able to break Miroku's Sephiroth: Gevurah by just changing at him and make a hole in him with just a hand thrust. After a unknown amount of time This form will start kracking and disappers, leaving Ageha exhausted and bleeding form the lip (most likely from the stress put on the brain). This seem to put on less stress then the normal Nova as Asuka was bleeding form the nose and eyes form the immense stress put on his brain after using nova.
* Upgraded Melchsee's Lance - When activating Nova Melchsee's Version he can generate multiple, small Melchsee's Doors with rings around them which soon after being thrown become flat with more rings around them. It soon shoots multiple Melchsee's Lance's at the oppoenent with destructive potential but it gives up it's indiscriminate targeting system for bigger numbers.
* Upgraded Melchsee's Disc - This is manly the same as the orginal Melchsee's Disc but with more power. Since Ageha gains a berserker like fighting style in this state he was seen using it by spinning around, making large cutting damage.
* Upgraded Melchsee's Vortex - His new shield is relatively similar to his Melchsee's Vortex. While using Nova, Ageha is capable of forming 3 groups of rings from the Melchsee's Doors around him without "doors" attached to the ring. This version is now powerful enough to leave Ageha unscratched by Miroku's Sephiroth: Opening Gate which is his strongest attack.
7. Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)
ability: Sharingan. Magenkyou Sharingan


Sharingan adalah teknik mata genetik yang secara alami terjadi pada anggota klan Uchiha.
Selama perkembangannya, Sharingan akan memberikan pengguna tiga kemampuan yang unik.Mata ini paling terkenal di dunia Naruto karena kemampuannya untuk menghafal dan meniru setiap gerakan yang telah ia lihat, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyalin lawan kebanyakan jutsu oleh menghafal handsigns / gerakan otot dan memungkinkan mereka untuk menggunakan jutsu terhadap mereka dan lawan nanti. Kemampuan kedua Sharingan kemampuan insting dan reflek, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk melacak dan memprediksi gerakan dan tindakan obyek yang bergerak cepat. Hal ini juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan mudah mengenali genjutsu dan berbagai bentuk chakra. Kemampuan akhir adalah hipnosis yang menyarankan tindakan dan pikiran lawan, bertindak sebagai cara yang efektif untuk menghasilkan genjutsu atau kenangan implan pada orang lain.
Itachi memiliki Mangekyo Sharingan, yang meningkatkan kekuatannya sudah besar, dan memungkinkan dia untuk menggunakan teknik yang paling kuat.

dengan mata ikiri nya itachi dapat menggunaan Tsukuyomi(月読?), genjutsu yang menjebak lawan di dunia ilusi,menyiksa mereka selama beberapa detik namun korban merasa seperti berhari hari.

dengan mata kanan nya itachi dapat mengeluarkan Amaterasu (天照), ninjutsu yang memungkinkan dia mengeluarkan api hitam yang tidak dapat dipadamkan,dan dapat membakar apapun.Itachi dapat menggerakkan api ini hanya dengan tatapan matanya

Teknik terakhir itachi adalah Susanoo (須佐能乎), suatu teknik yang menggunakan kedua mata untuk memanifestasikan dirinya sebagai makhluk spektral. pada bentuk ini itachi memegang Pedang Totsuka, sebuah pedang halus dengan kemampuan untuk menyegel apa saja yang ditusuknya dan Yata Mirror, perisai yang dapat memantukan serangan apapun

terlalu banyak menggunakan sharingan dapat menyebabkan kebutaan
6. Nagato/ Pain. (Naruto)
ability: Rinnegan
Nagato (長門, Nagato), better known as Pain (ペイン, Pein), was the recognized leader of Akatsuki and Amegakure and was a major antagonist in the series.
Nagato's incredible power stemmed mainly from his kekkei genkai, the legendary Rinnegan. This was originally possessed by the Sage of the Six Paths, the world's first ninja, and the founder of modern ninjutsu. Even as a child, Jiraiya noted his mastery over the elements. At age 10, he had already mastered all five elemental releases as well as Yin-Yang Release, something that was completely unprecedented.The Rinnegan is a dōjutsu said to be the most powerful of all. Its occurrence is so rare that many people once believed its existence was only a legend or a mutation.
The Rinnegan is characterized by a ripple-like pattern around the pupil, with a light purple iris and sclera. In addition to enabling the user to quickly master various jutsu, the user may also use all six forms of chakra nature transformation which, as noted by Ibiki Morino, literally allows its user to use any technique they wish. It also allows the user to use all of the six paths techniques, a series of ninjutsu unique to the Rinnegan user. Like the Sharingan and the Byakugan, the Rinnegan also allows the user to see chakra, including otherwise hidden barriers. According to Nagato's partner Konan, the possessor of the Rinnegan can also control the seventh path of Pain, who is "beyond life and death", that can use the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique, which allows the Rinnegan user to revive all people who have recently died.
Nagato's most powerful and most used technique was the Six Paths of Pain (ペイン六道, Pein Rikudō). This technique allowed Nagato to control six separate bodies as though they were his own. Each of these bodies were reanimated corpses that were both kept mobile by and made use of Nagato's chakra
Kekuatan luar biasa Nagato berasal dari kekkei genkai nya, Rinnegan . Mata ini awalnya dimiliki oleh Rikkudo Sennin, ninja pertama di dunia, dan pendiri ninjutsu modern. Bahkan ketika masih menjadi murid jiraiya, Jiraiya mencatat penguasaan atas elemen. Pada usia 10, dia sudah menguasai semua lima unsur rilis serta Yin-Yang Release
Rinnegan ditandai oleh pola riak-seperti sekitar pupil, garis ungu dengan cahaya dan sklera. Selain memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan cepat menguasai berbagai jutsu, pengguna juga dapat menggunakan semua enam bentuk transformasi chakra alam yang, seperti dicatat oleh Ibiki Morino, secara harfiah memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan teknik yang mereka inginkan. Hal ini juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan semua dari enam teknik sennin, serangkaian ninjutsu yang unik untuk pengguna rinnegan. Seperti Sharingan dan Byakugan, Rinnegan juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat chakra, termasuk hambatan dinyatakan tersembunyi. Menurut Nagato mitra Konan, pemilik dari rinnegan juga dapat mengontrol jalur ketujuh dari Sakit, yang adalah "melampaui hidup dan mati", yang dapat menggunakan Jalur Luar: Samsara Teknik Kehidupan Surgawi, yang memungkinkan pengguna rinnegan untuk menghidupkan kembali semua orang yang baru saja meninggal.
Teknik Nagato paling kuat dan paling banyak digunakan adalah Pein Rikudō Teknik ini memungkinkan Nagato untuk mengendalikan enam mayat yang terpisah seolah-olah mereka sendiri. Masing-masing mayat mayat reanimated yang disimpan mobile dengan baik dan dibuat menggunakan chakra Nagato

6 Paths of Pain:
1. The Deva Path (天道, Tendō),
Pain utama adalah tubuh Yahiko. Ini adalah paling sering dilihat dan digunakan dari enam pain, dan bertindak sebagai perwakilan Nagato selama pertemuan Akatsuki. Kemampuan utamanya berkisar memanipulasi gravitasi, sehingga memungkinkannya untuk mendorong atau menarik benda.
Chibaku Tensei milik deva path dapat melepaskan bola hitam energi yang bisa menarik semua materi di sekitarnya untuk membentuk tubuh terestrial besar . bahkan jutsu ini memungkinkan dia menghancurkan konoha hanya dengan sau serangan|
2. Animal Path (畜生道, Chikushōdō)
Kemampuan utama Animal path adalah dapat memanggil berbagai hewan dan makhluk untuk membantu dalam pertempuran. Setiap makhluk melayani tujuan yang berbeda dalam pertempuran, Patut dicatat, Jalan Hewan tidak memerlukan pengorbanan darah atau segel tangan untuk menggunakan Teknik Panggil.jutsu ini dapat mensummon Pain lain dan Konan juga.
3. The Preta Path (餓鬼道, Gakidō)
Teknik "Penyerapan Chakra " Gakido adalah kemampuan defensif yang sangan efektif, karena mampu menyerap setiap teknik ninjutsu-terkait, sehingga meniadakan efeknya. Teknik ini juga bisa mengambil bentuk penghalang di sekitar tubuhnya, yang memungkinkan untuk menyerap serangan dari segala arah. Selain sifat defensif, kemampuan ini tubuh juga menunjukkan kemampuan ofensif, karena bisa menyerap semua chakra keluar dari setiap orang yang dia sentuh
4. The Human Path (人間道, Ningendō)
Ningendo diketahui memiliki kemampuan membaca pikiran hanya dengan menempatkan tangannya di atas kepala target, dan bisa mengekstrak informasi atau rahasia yang tersembunyi oleh korban terhadapnya . teknik ini juga sangat cepat, dapat pindah ke sekitar beberapa sensor sebelum mereka bahkan bisa mendeteksi keberadaannya
5. The Asura Path (修羅道, Shuradō)
Badan ini sangat berbeda dari semua Pain lain, terlihat lebih seperti android, karena memiliki sejumlah perubahan tubuh. hal ini ditunjukkan untuk memiliki inner robot, memiliki enam lengan dan tiga wajah, dan memiliki, dilipat seperti pisau bergerigi sabuk di sekitar pinggang nya, badan ini bisa membuka mahkota kepalanya untuk mengeluarkan Shockwave titanic yang mampu menghancurkan bangunan banyak sekaligus. Kekuatan fisik baku sudah cukup untuk merobek lengan Jiraiya dan menghancurkan lehernya dengan gerakan Taijutsu dasar

6. The Naraka Path (地獄道, Jigokudō)
Meskipun secara fisik cukup kuat untuk mengangkat seorang pria dengan satu tangan, kemampuan hanya ditunjukkan dengan mensummon Gedo. Outer Path berbentuk kepala besar yang keluar dari tanah dikelilingi oleh api ungu dan memiliki rinnegan. Gedo bisa memenuhi dua tujuan: interogasi dan restorasi.

Untuk menginterogasi, Jalan Naraka hanya perlu menangkap seseorang, menyebabkan Gedo muncul . Dengan korban yang tampaknya lumpuh, Jigokudo mulai menanyai mereka. Setelah jawaban diberikan, Raja Neraka akan unzip mulutnya untuk melepaskan sulur seperti lengan dan akan menarik keluar energi penampakan gaya hidup dari korban dalam bentuk lidah yang membesar. Gedo kemudian mulai untuk memberikan penilaian nya. Jika orang itu berbohong atau menolak untuk menjawab pertanyaan, Jalan Luar akan menghapus lidah mereka dan membunuh mereka. Namun, jika mereka mengatakan yang sebenarnya, mereka akan diselamatkan, meskipun meninggalkan sangat kelelahan.
Kemampuan kedua Jalur Naraka dimiliki adalah kemampuan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan. Untuk melakukannya jigokudo akan memanggil Gedo untuk menelan tubuh yang rusak dengan sulur-seperti senjata ke mulutnya. Kemudian, setelah beberapa waktu, tubuh dihancurkan akan muncul dari mulutnya, benar-benar sembuh seperti semula
7. The Outer Path (外道, Gedō)
Gedo bisa dipanggil di mana Nagato dapat melepaskan energi kekuatan hidup kepada orang yang baru tewas dan membiarkan jiwa mereka untuk kembali ke tubuh mereka. Jutsu ini hanya dapat digunakan oleh Nagato, entitas utama dalam kontrol dari tujuh jalur. Kekuatan ini dikatakan untuk mengatasi bahkan konsep hidup dan mati.
5. Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard
ability: Yami Yami no Mi (darkness fruit) and Gura Gura no Mi (Quake fruit)

Blackbeard, memegang kekuatan buah iblis Yami Yami (tangan kanan) dan buah iblis Gura Gura (tangan kiri).
Marshall D Teach atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Blackbeard adalah kapten dari Bajak laut Kurohige.Dia adalah mantan Kru bajak laut Shirohige di divisi 2 dibawah kepemimpinan Portgas D. Ace sampai akhirnya dia membunuh komandan divisi ke 4, Thach demi mendapatkan buah iblos Yami Yami.Dia juga pernah mencapai posisi sebagai anggota Shicibukai setelah berhasil menangkap Ace.
Blackbeard telah memakan Buah Iblis Yami Yami no Mi. sehingga, dia bisa memanipulasi gravitasi, ditampilkan sebagai kain kafan surut kegelapan. Teach menunjukkan bahwa "kegelapan" adalah sebuah kekosongan yang melahap apa pun,dia mampu menarik lawan sebuah lubang hitam dan menghancurkan lingkungannya sekitarnya menjadi tumpukan puing. Karena kemampuan gravitasi Yami Yami , Blackbeard dapat menyerap serangan lawannya.Namun bukan berarti dia tidak kesakitan.Bahkan dia menerima rasa sakit dua kali lipat dari seharusnya.lalu dia bisa mengembalikan serangan yang diterimanya kepada lawannya
Kekuatan lain dari teach adalah dia bisa menetralisir kekuatan buah iblis lain yang bersentuhan dengannya.Bahkan dia berhasil menyerap dan memperoleh kekuatan buah iblis dari Shirohige
4. Ryougi Shiki

Ability: Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (直死の魔眼) , (Chokushi no Magan lit. Mystic Eyes of Direct Death)

Ryougi Shiki (両儀式, Ryougi Shiki) is one of the main protagonists of the Kara no Kyoukai novels. She is a teenage girl who possesses the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, a supernatural ability that allows the user to see the inherent mortality of everything (both living and non-living) in the form of lines.
Ryougi Shiki (両 仪式, Ryougi Shiki) adalah salah satu protagonis utama dari novel Kara no Kyokai. Dia adalah seorang gadis remaja yang memiliki Mata mistik Death Perception, kemampuan supranatural yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat kematian melekat dari segala sesuatu (baik yang hidup maupun non-hidup) dalam bentuk garis.

Mata shiki tidak terlalu berbeda dengan mata biasa, namun merupakan sirkuit yang terbuka di otak pengguna dan mata normal, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk "melihat kematian" dalam bentuk garis dan titik. Pengguna tersebut adalah satu-satunya yang bisa menyentuh atau menggunakan garis dan titik ( tidak ada yang dapat berinteraksi dengan garis / titik bahkan jika pengguna mata menunjukkan lokasi garis/titik tersebut).
Garis-garis ini kemudian dapat ditelusuri dengan benda tajam seperti pisau atau pedang. Memotong garis "putus" objek sepanjang garis dan kerusakan yang ditimbulkan cara ini tidak dapat disembuhkan atau diperbaiki dengan cara apapun.
Titik dapat ditembus oleh benda tajam. menusuk titik akan secara efektif "menghapus" objek dari keberadaan, dalam arti bahwa benda bahkan kehilangan sifat-sifat yang melekat seperti momentum, toksisitas, dan umumnya efek apapun dapat memaksakan pada itu sekitarnya. Makhluk hidup yang tertikam dot akan "berhenti" dan, sebagai akibatnya, mati.
Ryougi Shiki: MEoDP nya memungkinkan dia untuk melihat kematian sesuatu suatu benda yang ada didunia. tak peduli itu adalah manusia, objek, hantu, penyakit, pikiran berlama-lama dalam pikiran seseorang, magecraft, bangsal, serangan psikis, dll, asalkan itu ada, dia bisa membunuhnya. (Bahkan, dia mengklaim bahwa jika Tuhan itu ada, dia bisa membunuhnya.)
- 3. Yasuri Nanami (Katanagatari)
Isn't she cute..... moeeee
Shichika Yasuri's older sister and a character from the Katanagatari franchise.
Nanami is introduced as a weak and fragile child with a blunt yet kind hearted personality. She received no official training in martial arts and her brother, Shichika Yasuri, was chosen as the next head of the Kyotouryuu (Unarmed) swordsmanship style. She is a sickly girl who is babied by him. She is extremely intelligent and knows many things despite living on a secluded island her entire life.
It is later revealed that her father didn't not train her because he felt unable to raise someone as strong as she is.
Though she appears to be helpless on the surface, she is actually stronger than Shichika
Bukti kekuatan:
Ability: Migeika - Sight training.
Enables Nanami to learn abilities and techniques of others by seeing the once and mastering their use on the second time.
She can learn both abilities that requite physical dexterity and abilities that come on a spiritual or biological level, such as lengthening of ones fingernails to form claws, body transformation, etc. she might have the ability to absorb the strength of other aside for their abilities as well, similarly to how she did it with the Itezora Clan who are insanely powerful physically
And her body, despite it's weakness and frailty is oddly resilient. Poison do not affect her. Somehow, no matter in how much pain she is or how close to death she gets, her body does not allow her to die. However, Nanami is not immortal and therefore can be killed.
she secretly watched her father and brother train, so she knows every technique without being taught them.
During her fights against the Insect Squad of the Maniwa Corps she displayed this ability. Kamakiri Maniwa possessed the ability to grow claws from this fingernails. Having seen this ability once, Nanami uses it to to torture and execute Kamakiri
“Pardon me, but I’m going to torture you now”
Chouchou Maniwa had the ability to make himself and object that he carried weightless. After seeing this once, Nanami was able to use it to hang from a flower and position her self for an assassination move.
She says she is jealous of people who work hard to perfect a skill, as she has never once had to try at anything in her life.
Kelemahannya ditutupi dengan mendapatkan pedang Akutō Bita (悪刀 鐚/ Evil sword, Poor)
A small yellow kunai-like weapon, It holds electricity within it and was designed similar to a lightning bolt. It is the evilest blade with the ability to rejuvenate the user's body.
Walaupun sebenarnya pedang itu membuat Nanami menjadi lebih lemah, karena sebagai pewaris Kyotoryuu, memakai pedang membuat mereka menjadi lemah.
She later confronts her brother and asks him to kill her so she could die normally, which is impossible due to her unnatural superhuman strength. In the end, she's killed by her brother, granting her the death she always wanted.
Kalau bukan karena dia memang ingin mati, tidak akan ada yang bisa mengalahkan dia
2. Archer (Fate/ Stay Night)
The Servant of Tohsaka Rin in the 5th Holy Grail War. Well adept in bare-handed fighting, armed combat, Magecraft and even performing housework
His strength does not come from talent, but from single-mindedly refining the little he had. Other than Reinforcement and Projection, the Magecraft which he excels at are 'unlocking' and 'restoration', both of which are derived from grasping the internal structure of things. Can also use magic detection and magic resistance, which are considered the basics of the basic, but not offensive Magecraft that work around the lines of nature interference.
Ability: Unlimited Blade Works
Unlimited Blade Works: Infinite Creation of Swords (無限の剣製 Mugen no kensei)Archer's Reality Marble is known as "Unlimited Blade Works", which manifests as an open, barren field, littered with countless Noble Phantasms anchored in the ground like grave markers. Monolithic black gears gyrate in the distance, and illumination from the sun is obstructed by thick haze obscuring the horizon. Wisps of black smog float on light zephyr throughout this world, and sparks from iron forging rise from the ground like bubbles from water.A Reality Marble, also known as an Innate Bounded Field, is an extremely rare high-class sorcery that expands an enclosed alternate reality that is a physical representation of a user's soul. Within a Reality Marble, users are able to violate the laws of nature, the creation of an ideal battlefield.
Within Unlimited Blade Works exist all the raw materials and sorcery required to facilitate Tracing, allowing Archer to reconstruct any bladed weapon merely by seeing it. Furthermore, his tracing allows him to inherit the combat skills of those who previously used his weapon, granting him instant proficiency with whatever he traces. However, human imagination cannot fully conceptualize the existences of an object through only one sense, so the quality of enchantment on each traced weapon will be degraded by one rank, never equaling the original. Swords, spears, and halberds are favored, but shields are also replicable at a substantially greater Mana cost (Up to three times the amount). Archer is also able to levitate weapons within his Reality Marble, arcing blades into the sky and then raining them down on opponents. Most of the Noble Phantasms in Unlimited Blade Works are copies of legendary weapons archived inside Gate of Babylon, although several others (listed below) were traced by Archer later during his lifetime.
The following chant are the words to Archer's Reality Marble
"I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to death.
Nor known to life.
Have withstood pain to create many weapons.
Yet, these hands will never hold anything.
So as I pray, 'Unlimited Blade Works'."- 1. Accelerator (To Aru Majutsu no Index/ A Certain Magical Index)
Accelerator (一方通行 Ippōtsūkō, "One-Way Road") is the most powerful Psychic in Academy City. He has an ability called "Redirection"/"Vector Change
"He who wields a piece of power that equates to God"
Accelerator is a main character of the Science Side in the Toaru Majutsu no Index series.
He is the most powerful esper currently residing in Academy City. First appearing chronologically in Toaru Kagaku no Railgun as an antagonist, he later becomes the primary protagonist of the science side after being defeated by Kamijou Touma
Redirection: He can change the vector values of anything by touch; for example, he kills a Sister clone by reversing the flow of blood inside her body after putting his finger inside her wound.
Furthermore, this ability is automatic, so projectiles like bullets or explosives have no effect on him, as they will be redirected.
Waktu masih kecil ditembaki tapi gak apa-apa
It is because of his ability that he has an albino appearance, as his body blocks all unnecessary ultraviolet radiation, thereby preventing the skin from manufacturing unnecessary melanin. Thus far, he has shown the following ways to use his powers:
a) Earth Stomp: Using the vectors behind his feet, he causes a little explosion made of earth and rocks to attack his opponents. He can also use this to propel himself forward.
b) Vector Shooting: By touching an object, he can extend the influence of his ability to other objects in contact with it. This way allows him to indirectly change the vectors and turn the objects into projectiles.
c) Wind Control: He can re-vector the surrounding winds and force them to congregate at a single point creating an extremely high velocity wind
d) Plasma Storm: He can even create plasma by further compressing the wind at high speeds in a single point.
e) Kinetic Blast: he takes control of the planet's rotational vectors and transfers an enormous amount of that energy into one attack. This attack used up so much of the planets rotational energy that it slowed down the the earth's rotation by about 5 minutes.- f) Brain Hacking: In accord to him by redirecting the electrical signals of the human body he can take 'control' over them and rewrite the memories and personality of the people
g) Flight: By controlling the wind around him he creates about 4 high-powered tornadoes behind him to allow him to fly. Showed in Vol.8.
Anti-Magic Field: Showed in the Volume 20, Accelerator can dissipate magic attacks thanks to his strong AIM field concentration from his body.- Hide kalau masih belum puas
Awakening: He awakens towards the end of volume 13 when he had a epiphany right before he was nearly killed by Kihara, and fully awakened in a fight with another "awakened" level 5, Teitoku Kakine in Volume 15, during which he displayed a massive difference in power between them. His voice began to produce strange sounds due to the processing power being shifted to calculation of vectors, leaving little for verbal speech. The Angelic nature of his ability is described as "He who wields a piece of power that equates to God." He gains the ability to control and create "imaginary vectors" and has the ability to produce black mist, said by Kakine to be the same "Dark Matter" he manipulates, that takes the form of wings that do all the vector-related calculations for him, and as a result he does not need the Misaka Network to manipulate vectors and "imaginary vectors" in his awakened form.
In volume 22, due to his pillar of support being changed by an epiphany after being defeated by Touma again, he manifests white wings and a halo, turning him into an angel.
Magic: Accelerator has demonstrated the ability to use magic. In volume 22, he used his vector ability to interpret the song used by index to save Last Order and repeated the breathing method, casting the spell. As this was a pure magic spell, he suffered serious harm but saved Last Order.
kelemahan: Undefeatable kecuali oleh Kamijou Touma yang punya Imagine Breaker, dan oleh Angelic Beings (Aiwass dan Misha Kruzchev)
dan Last Order (loli)
Last Order
Imagine Breaker
ada yg berani lawan?
sumber: http://www.indowebster.web.id/showthread.php?t=134555&s=d1daa9fad62a229edc012830c9e14402 - 1. Accelerator (To Aru Majutsu no Index/ A Certain Magical Index)
Read more: http://faisal-defry.blogspot.com/2011/11/10-ability-kekuatan-karakter-anime.html#ixzz29kyULdMK
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